Atlantis Tanks

Atlantis Tanks are a wholesale manufacturing business website and supplier of various tanks for oil, water, waste and other things split across three different sub-brands. Each sub-brand targets towards the main liquid they store. The website built with WooCommerce, and a wide range of customizations to meet the business requirements.

The mega menu on the page displays the every expanding range of products on the website, split up into columns and manually ballanced. This ensures a good user experience.

Product Information

Product Information page showing a custom tab for Technical Documents, Login for Prices and Accessories

On product pages for a tank, (oil tank, waste tank etc) a range of accessories show on the page. In addition Atlantis choose if one item from a range of accessories is either required for an order, or if we should remind a customer for not adding an item. This reduces errors from customers by accident and having to manually chase them up.

Products themselves can have a bunch of technical documents, some public and some for customers only. These documents show on a custom tab of the product page. In addition documents for all products show on a dedicated resources page.

A custom basket page which drops over the page was added. This appears from using the basket button in the main navigation. This custom basket also upsells old scrap tank collection to customers, also preventing a need to load another basket page before going to the checkout.


The next part is the audience of the website aims towards the wholesale and business market. This means many of the products are not purchasable without an online account. A customer either needs to register to be a supplier, or go through a directory of relevant distributors. When a customer completes the registration form, the website creates their account in a non-active state. Atlantis activate their account upon successful application allowing instant access.

Many prices on the website are visible upon logging into a valid account where customers can pay online or submit an order for invoicing and payment outside of the system. Prices can change for different customers depending on their agreed dealings with Atlantis and some get discounts on certain categories. Where public products can have a discount, a note informing customers their order could be cheaper if they log in. Another rule rounds prices up to the nearest whole pound to improve visible prices.


Payments use First Data’s Connect platform using custom integration through a WooCommerce Payment Provider. The limited supported plugins for First Data’s platform made this the best choice. In addition, logged in customers can choose for their order to be invoiced instead.

Customized from the stock Woocommerce, the delivery options show off their USPs and pricing. To work with business rules a collection options is available which discounts the product by the included standard carriage charge. These delivery options also have additional options such as bubble wrap for an additional fee, and requested delivery date depending on the option.

Custom Checkout options showing the custom delivery options panel. Also shows further delivery options. Custom designed elements also added.


Does your wholesale manufacturing business website need custom functionality such as custom payment providers, custom pricing and product visibility? Get in touch to see what we can do.